Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fishtail Braid

The fishtail braid has been seen on the red-carpet being worn by celebrities of all ages and backgrounds, from Blake Lively to Kim Kardashian.

There are a lot of variations in braid styles , but this unique braid is all the rage right now, and can be sported at upscale events, if a celebrity can wear it on the red carpet, you can wear it to any event, and more casually as well. If you're wearing your braid as an evening look, then make it sleek and have the braid run down your back. If it's a bit more casual, then opt for a messier braid that is placed off the side.

That said, don't hesitate to wear the messy version of the fishtail braid for a more formal event. It may seem counterintuitive to do so, but the messiness of the hairstyle will counterbalance the structured feel of an evening gown or look, creating an overall unique look that works well. Read the rest of my article at Vista Magazine.

Image courtesy of Pinterest.

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